AGTech Wins Lottery Hardware Bids in Six Provinces of China

AGTech Holdings Limited (“AGTech” , HKEX stock code: 08279) is delighted to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Beijing AGTech GOT Technology Co., Ltd (“AGTech GOT“) has recently won six sports lottery terminal procurement bidding projects successively in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Fujian province, Jiangsu province, Hubei province, Sichuan province and Shandong province of the People’s Republic of China.

AGTech GOT has won many tenders in various provinces, municipalities and autonomous region across China this year, which reaffirmed the hardware division’s continued dedication to and leading position in China’s sports lottery terminal market, demonstrating the continued effort and competitiveness of AGTech’s lottery terminals. AGTech will continue to enhance product innovation, ensure safety and R&D compliance, and contribute to the overall healthy development of China’s lottery market.

Source: AGTech Holdings Limited